Dear Mr Winterburn
Thank you for your email dated 8 May 2019; we have treated this as a Freedom of Information request.
You have asked for the following information; please see Barnet Homes’ response below in red:
- The estimated total number of flat entrance fire doors currently installed across the council’s housing stock
We are currently in the process of compiling a list of flat entrance doors to include all Manse, Manse Masterdoors and composite doors fitted over a certain time period. It is anticipated that the overall affected doors will be circa 4,900 doors.
- The number of flat entrance fire doors installed across the council’s housing stock identified as failing to comply with building regulations since March 2018, or found to be the same product as those which have failed government tests:
The door types installed in the borough include Manse, Manse Masterdor Limited and GRP Composite FD30 Front Doors.
Although a performance issue has been identified with the composite fire doors, the MHCLG (on advice from various professionals) has advised the risk to public is low. Having said that, it is Barnet Homes’ intention to replace all composite doors fitted till date that fall within this criterion.
Barnet Homes will carry out independent testing of these doors to ensure that the test data is accurate and in line with the performance information previously received. It is anticipated that the overall affected doors will be circa 4,900 doors.
- The number of doors referred to in question (2) which have since been replaced
No replacements have been carried out yet. Barnet Homes has drawn up a prioritised list of doors where emergency and temporary doors have been fitted or original door remain in place. Our long-term parterning contractor is carrying out surveys with a view to replace these doors with Gerda doors. Any damaged Masterdoors identified as a part of these surveys will be replaced with a Gerda door. However, at this early stage no fittings have commenced on site.
- The total cost of the work referred to in question (3)
There are no costs as yet as the project is in the early stages and no installations have taken place. Barnet Homes are in discussions with their long-term Service Provider to agree task proposals. As discussions are still ongoing with senior management and our service providers, we are unable to confirm costs until an agreement is reached.
- If available, the date on which the last fire door(s) was replaced
The last fire door was handed over earlier this year. No further installations have taken place.
- If available, any correspondence on the subject of fire doors sent to residents of blocks of flats with non-compliant or potentially non-compliant flat entrance fire doors since March 2018
- Letter sent to tenants in October 2018
- Letter sent to leaseholders who have a Deed of variation and have doors that have been identified as needing replacing – April 2019
- If applicable, the number of high-rise blocks of flats owned by the council which have non-compliant/potentially non-compliant fire doors and are also clad in ACM cladding deemed unlikely to comply with building regulations.
Barnet Homes does not have any ACM cladding within the borough.
Your rights
If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review by emailing and marking it as an appeal for the attention of the Data Controller.
If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF (telephone: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45; website:
There is no charge for making an appeal.
Kind regards
Carly Williamson
Complaints and Information Manager
020 8359 6379
The Barnet Group
(Incorporating Barnet Homes, Your Choice (Barnet), Opendoor Homes, TBG Flex, and Bumblebee)
Barnet House | 1255 High Road | Whetstone | London | N20 0EJ | | | |