From 28th March, Mears begins a new contract to manage gas servicing and heating system repairs on behalf of North London social landlord Barnet Homes.
Barnet Homes’ Director of Operations, Elliott Sweetman, said: “We’re eagerly anticipating the new contract with Mears as we already have a valuable relationship with them – they are also our property repairs and maintenance contractors. We believe that residents will not only benefit greatly from improved customer service, but also from the fact that Mears are committed to contributing to the local community, something their track record here in Barnet demonstrates.”
Mears’ Operations Director, Nemendra Singh added: “We’re delighted to have won the contract and look forward to building on the work we already do with Barnet Homes in the local community.”
As part of the gas contract with Barnet Homes, Mears are actively recruiting two apprentices from the local community and will be providing work experience opportunities and employment related training.
Amongst other initiatives, every time customers allow Mears operatives first time access into their homes to carry out the annual gas safety check, they will donate £1 towards local groups and charities. It is forecast that over the next 12 months this contribution will generate approximately £6,000 towards resident focused community projects.
For more information about an apprenticeship with Mears, please email
Gary Fox, Mears Customer Care Officer is pictured with previous Mears apprentices and Barnet Homes Head of Repairs and Estates, Ryan Bolton.