• Make an escape plan and make sure everyone knows how to get out safely
  • If there is smoke or fire inside your flat or maisonette and your escape route is clear: Get everyone out, close the door and walk calmly out of the building. Do not use the lift. Call 999, give your address, the number of your flat, and say which floor the fire is on
  • If there is smoke or fire inside your flat or maisonette and your escape route is NOT clear: It may be safer to stay in your flat or maisonette until the fire brigade arrives. Find a safe room, close the door and use soft materials to block the gap to stop the smoke. Go to a window, shout “HELP, FIRE” and call 999. Be ready to describe where you are and the quickest way to reach you. Windows above the first floor are not suitable to escape from due to risk of serious injury
  • If there is a fire in another part of the building: The structure of your building – walls, floors, doors – are designed to give you a minimum of 30-60 minutes’ protection from a fire, to enable you to remain in your flat while the fire brigade deal with the fire. If there is a fire elsewhere in your building you are usually safer to stay in your flat unless the heat and smoke from the fire is affecting you, in which case you can leave by the stairs if it is safe to do so. If it is not safe to leave and you do remain in your flat call 999 and let them know which flat you are in
  • If you are in communal areas of the building: leave and call 999.

More advice from the London Fire Brigade:

  • Make sure you have plenty of smoke alarms and test them regularly. If you have an alarm that does not work, please contact our Contact Centre on 0800 389 5225 to report it. If you have a mains-powered alarm, do not disable it – it is there for your safety.
  • Make sure bikes and rubbish do not block communal exits or your escape routes. No items are to be stored in any communal areas.
  • Keep balconies free of clutter. Please do not smoke in communal areas.
  • If you smoke, dispose of cigarette ends carefully.
  • Candles, incense and oil burners are one of the biggest causes of fire within homes. Always keep an eye on them and keep them away from materials that may catch fire such as curtains, furniture, clothes and hair.
  • If you know or work with anyone who may have an increased risk of fire, who is less able to react or has a reduced ability to escape in the occurrence of a fire, please encourage them to book a fire safety check. These may include factors such as being a smoker, a hoarder, having an alcohol dependency or having mobility issues. Visit www.london-fire.gov.uk for advice for parents of young children and carers of elderly adults.
  • If you are a landlord looking for advice read London Fire Brigade advice for landlords

Find out more information on how to keep yourself safe from a fire if you live in a high-rise or purpose built flats on the London Fire Brigade website.