We have received information from Barnet Metropolitan Police that a number of hate crime incidents targeting the Jewish Community have been reported to police this week.
The offences include criminal damage and the use of offensive and anti-Semitic language aimed towards the Jewish Community.
Barnet Homes supports Barnet Council in tackling all forms of hate crime, and we encourage you to use their new Hate Crime Reporting Centres, which launched last October. Staff from Barnet Homes and Your Choice Barnet are pictured above at the launch.
Hate Crime Reporting Centres have been put in place to help residents in reporting hate crimes who might not want to or not feel able to, go directly to the Police.
If you wish to report a hate crime then you can do so by calling the police directly on 999 or 101 or by reporting the incident to a Hate Crime Reporting Centre using the link below:
Barnet Council is fully committed to tackling all forms of hate crime and in July 2016 a motion was passed at full council condemning any crime which is committed against someone because of their disability, gender identity, race, religion or belief or sexual orientation.