From 1st October 2015 all private sector landlords are legally required to install at least one smoke alarm on every storey of their rented property.

A carbon monoxide detector is also required in any habitable room containing a solid fuel burning appliance, for example an open fire or a wood burning stove. This refers to all properties.

Landlords have a responsibility to make sure these alarms are in proper working order at the start of each new tenancy made from 1st October 2015 and are advised to make sure that there is a record of these alarms being tested. A new tenancy is not a renewal of an existing tenancy.

Landlords should be aware that these Regulations do not contain all of the fire safety requirements which their premises may be subject to, for example additional alarms will be required in HMO’s that do not require a licence.

The London Fire Brigade have a limited supply of free alarms to give away to landlords or  managing agents of rental houses in the Greater London. Further details are on the LFB website.

DCLG have issued an explanatory document which is designed to help landlords further understand and comply with the Regulations.