Barnet Homes are happy to annouce that the planning application for a dementia friendly extra-care scheme on the site of Moreton Close sheltered block was approved at planning committee on 18/05/15. This is especially timely given that this week is Dementia Awareness Week.
The design includes provision of 51 units (48 x 1-bed and 3 x 2-beds), communal facilities and enhanced amenity areas.
The scheme will now enter the detailed design phase with work predicted to start on site by autumn 2015. A workshop with LBB Adults and Communities and their clients will take place in July to ensure that the internal designs proposed will be fit for purpose and will provide a high quality desirable scheme.
Barnet Homes Sheltered Housing team have already helped approximately 50% of existing residents to find and relocate to suitable alternative accommodation. Several other residents are awaiting moving dates for identified locations. No residents had to move from Moreton Close before planning permission was agreed, although some chose to as other Sheltered schemes had vacancies and some chose to await the planning decision before looking at alternative accommodation.
The decision has now been made and Barnet Homes Sheltered Housing team will work with residents who have waited to find them suitable accommodation.