This month building on their existing Assist service, The Barnet Group started delivering monitoring and emergency response services for Brent Council, worth upwards of £100,000 per year for the next four years.

The Barnet Group will provide call monitoring and emergency mobile response 24 hours 7 days a week for Brent residents living in sheltered accommodation and extra care housing.

Tracey Lees, The Barnet Group Chief Executive said:

“We are delighted that Brent Council have awarded us with this contract, which is our first contract outside Barnet. We already deliver this service in Barnet and are now pleased to be able to support older people to live independently in Brent.”

The Barnet Group went through a stringent tendering process against six other market competitors/similar organisations.

David Fitt, Barnet Homes’ Assist Community Support Manager, said:

“I believe we were successful with the Brent tender due to our proven experience carrying out the same service within a neighbouring borough to Brent, alongside our excellent call handling and emergency response times and our competitive pricing.”

As part of our business strategy The Barnet Group is planning on expanding this service in other areas.

Barnet Homes’ Assist service (previously Barnet Homes’ Lifeline service) has been working to support the local community for over 28 years.

The services offered have been designed to cater to service users from a wide range of ages and back grounds, whether helping to bring additional peace of mind for individuals returning from a stay in hospital, to family carers looking after relatives at home or to people living alone without local friends and family.

The Assist alarm and monitoring service offers residents help and security in their homes at the touch of a button.

For more information about the Assist service click here

To call Assist direct: 020 8359 4841